Retrieve a list of purchase details
This operation will return purchase details
Query Parameters
Current page
How many purchase details should be returned per page, default is 30. Cannot be more than 100.
1 <= x <= 100
The filter currently accepts two search fields; externalId
and transactionId
which you can match with the operator eq
. Two logical operators; AND and OR are supported, which means that you can combine a filter Ex. ?filter=externalId eq 1234
, ?filter=externalId eq 1234 AND transactionId eq 2222
The audit user to log the request
Purchase amount of given purchase detail.
Issuer defined code for purchase detail. Code can e.g. represent a product category like “newspapers”. Code is utilised if item is processed through repricing.
Issuer defined description of purchase detail. The description is set when creating purchase details and is available when fetching purchase details via API and in the invoicing file.
Issuer defined external id. Issuer can store an external id to each purchase detail as a common key between Enfuce and issuer systems.
Attributes that enable Enfuce to link purchase detail to a financial transaction. The most suitable matching attributes are agreed with issuer during implementation.
Prompted data linked to the purchase detail
The quantity purchased. This can be a number or in combination with unit define e.g. how many liters or kilograms have been purchased.
Id of the financial transaction the purchase detail is linked to. The transactionId is updated by Enfuce after a match is found between financial transaction and purchase detail.
The type of item
Price per unit
The applicable value-add tax of the purchase detail.
Unit of measurement of quantity. Obsolete in cases where the purchase detail represents one item or a number of the same items.
Unique id that represents this purchase detail