Transfer balance from account to account
Please note that this feature requires manual configuration. If you want to use it, please contact your CSM.
This operation enables transfer of balance from account A to account B. The balance is debited from the fromAccount and credited to the toAccount. The request will create two separate account level transactions, one debiting and one crediting that are visible in respective accounts.
The transactionType codes for the transactions are:
for the debiting transaction
for the crediting transaction
The transactions are posted in a consecutive manner, first the debiting transaction followed by the crediting transaction. If either accountId is invalid, either account status prevents posting of transactions or if the available balance in the fromAcccount is not sufficient, the operation will fail. If the first debiting transaction fails, the process will be discontinued, and the crediting transaction will not be performed (status
). If the debiting transaction is successful but the crediting transaction fails, the debiting transaction will be automatically reversed (status
Query Parameters
The audit user to log the request
Id of account from which balance will be debited
Id of account from which balance will be credited
Transfer amount. It is possible to post only amount which is equal or more than minimal currency unit (For example, for EUR, SEK, NOK minimal unit is 0,01)
Currency of the amount in ISO 4217 (Alpha code) format. Currency has to be the same as account currency. Balance transfer can only be done between accounts that are in the same currency, i.e. currency conversion is not supported.
Free form text. Text is available in Transaction API as well as Data export transaction files.
Final transfer status. COMPLETED
- succsessfully completed transfer, debitTransaction and creditTransaction info will be returned. DEBIT_FAILED
- failed to do debit transaction, aborting transfer. Failed debit transaction id will be returned. FAILED_BUT_REVERSED
- failed to transfer money, but reversed debit transaction. Debit, credit and reversal info will be returned. FAILED_BUT_NOT_REVERSED
- unexpected error. Debit part done, crediting - failed, and failed to reverse debit. Manual interaction is required to fix.
Enfuce generated id for transfer. Id is recorded to the add_info fields in the crediting and debiting transactions as reference (available in Data export transaction files).