Update a private customer
This operation will update a given customer.
Path Parameters
The customer id of which customer you want to update
Query Parameters
The audit user to log the request
Updating set values
Address used if no other address are set on account and card levels.
Can contain both letters and numbers. Max character limit is 32
Mandatory if card is issued to consumer via BIN sponsorship program
The date when the customer has deceased, in ISO 8601 format ("YYYY-MM-DD"). The field can be used purely for informational purposes and does not trigger any further actions or processes implemented by Enfuce.
Customer's language and country code, these are the valid locales in API
, ar_AE
, ar_BH
, ar_DZ
, ar_EG
, ar_IQ
, ar_JO
, ar_KW
, ar_LB
, ar_LY
, ar_MA
, ar_OM
, ar_QA
, ar_SA
, ar_SY
, ar_TN
, ar_YE
, az_AZ
, be_BY
, bg_BG
, bn_IN
, bs_BA
, ca_ES
, cs_CZ
, cy_GB
, da_DK
, de_AT
, de_CH
, de_DE
, de_LI
, de_NL
, el_GR
, en_AU
, en_BZ
, en_CA
, en_GB
, en_IE
, en_JM
, en_MT
, en_NZ
, en_PH
, en_TT
, en_US
, en_VI
, en_ZA
, en_ZW
, es_AR
, es_BO
, es_CL
, es_CO
, es_CR
, es_DO
, es_EC
, es_ES
, es_GT
, es_HN
, es_MX
, es_NI
, es_PA
, es_PE
, es_PR
, es_PY
, es_SV
, es_UY
, es_VE
, et_EE
, eu_ES
, fa_IR
, fi_FI
, fo_FO
, fr_BE
, fr_CA
, fr_CH
, fr_FR
, fr_MC
, fr_NL
, ga_IE
, gl_ES
, gu_IN
, he_IL
, hi_IN
, hr_HR
, hu_HU
, hy_AM
, id_ID
, is_IS
, it_CH
, it_IT
, ja_JP
, ka_GE
, kk_KZ
, kl_GL
, kn_IN
, ko_KR
, kok_IN
, lt_LT
, lv_LV
, mk_MK
, ml_IN
, mn_MN
, mr_IN
, ms_BN
, ms_MY
, mt_MT
, nb_NO
, nl_BE
, nl_NL
, nn_NO
, no_NO
, pa_IN
, pl_PL
, pt_BR
, pt_PT
, ro_RO
, ru_RU
, se_NO
, sk_SK
, sl_SI
, sq_AL
, sr_BA
, sr_CS
, sv_FI
, sv_SE
, sw_KE
, syr_SY
, ta_IN
, te_IN
, th_TH
, tn_ZA
, tr_TR
, uk_UA
, uz_UZ
, vi_VN
, xh_ZA
, zh_CN
, zh_HK
, zh_MO
, zh_SG
, zh_TW
, zu_ZA
Mobile number to customer, must be full number including country code and starting with +
A valid ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code, except for QZZ (UNMIK in Kosovo) and ROM for Romania.
Land line phone number to customer, must be full number including country code and starting with +
Identifier to customer, for example SSN. Enfuce does not do any validation for this regNo
PEP and Sanction screening. Fields can be used purely for informational purposes and do not trigger any further actions or processes.
Temporary address used to for a limited time be used instead of other address set either on customer, account or card level.