Update plastic
This operation will update a given plastic for a card
Path Parameters
The card id for given card
The plastic id for given plastic
This operation will update a given plastic for a card. Depending on what property you want to update:
- ACTIVATE - If a plastic is not automatically active, then it is possible to manually activate it. This setting depends on default configuration
- CANCEL - If embossing has not been run it is possible to cancel production of a physical card. When this is done the plastic and that id will be deleted and not visible anymore. Note this can only be done as long a plastic is in status INACTIVE.
Cancelling a new card order
When production of physical plastic is cancelled, the cancellation will not affect to the status of the card. So even plastic order is cancelled the status of the card remains the same. If a completely new card is cancelled, then it is important to update card status to Card Closed.
Cancelling a reissued card
When production of physical plastic is cancelled, the cancellation will not affect to the status of the card. Reissue cases there usually isn't a need to change the status of the card if intention is that end user still wants to use the current card.
Query Parameters
The audit user to log the request