Instalment Controller
Close an existing instalment plan
Payment API
Account Details
- Overview
- Create an account
- Update an account
- Get account information
Authorisation Control
- Overview
- Authorisation Control Webhook
Authorisation Forwarding
- Overview
- Forward authorisation webhook
Card details
- Overview
- Create card
- Update card
- Get application
- Update application
- Get card
- Get plastic
- Get EMV scripts
- Update plastic
- Overview
- Get customer information
- Create a customer
- Update a customer
- Customer hierarchy
Exchange Rates API
- Overview
- Get ECB exchange rate
- Get ECB supported currencies
- Get FX exchange rates
- Overview
- Initiate 3rd party authentication flow
- Callback to complete authentication flow
- Overview
- Get invoice information
- Update invoice information
- Overview
- Receive a notification
- Overview
- PIN operations with pre-shared key
- PIN operations using PKI
PIN Control
- Overview
- PIN Control handling
Purchase Details
- Overview
- Trigger repricing
- Get purchase details
- Create purchase details
- Update purchase details
RBA Forwarding
- Overview
- RBA forwarding
- Overview
- Create repricing agreements
- Get repricing agreements
- Update repricing agreements
- Create price lists
- Get price lists
- Update price lists
- Overview
- Test transactions
- Test authorizations
- Get transaction data
- Create transactions
- Create fees
- Update a transaction
- Batch payment
Transfer API
- Overview
- Post account to account transfer
- Account to account batch transfer
- Post card to card transfer
- Overview
- Push Provision
- Activation data
- Get tokens
Test API
- Overview
- test-auth-request-templates
- test-authorizations
Hierarchy API
- Overview
- Card Hierarchy Management
- Card Hierarchy Group Management
- Card Management in Card Hierarchy Groups
Spend Control API
- Overview
- Rule Sets Endpoints
- Rules Endpoints
- Spend Control Test Endpoint
Instalment Controller
Close an existing instalment plan
curl --request POST \
--url https://integration-api-cat2./%7B{environment}%7D.ext.%7B{realm} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"accountId": "<string>",
"instalmentId": "<string>"
This response has no body data.
Basic authentication is used to authenticate towards Enfuce API. It is described in more detail in RFC 7617.
Query Parameters
The audit user to log the request
curl --request POST \
--url https://integration-api-cat2./%7B{environment}%7D.ext.%7B{realm} \
--header 'Authorization: Basic <encoded-value>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"accountId": "<string>",
"instalmentId": "<string>"
This response has no body data.